
Underserved Business Support: Technical Assistance for Underserved Businesses


About Program

Program Overview

EDA is dedicated to empowering underserved businesses through a range of targeted programs designed to foster growth, sustainability, and economic success. Our comprehensive technical assistance initiatives provide the essential tools, resources, and support that underserved entrepreneurs need to thrive.


  • Business Mentorship Program: Offering expert mentorship to underserved entrepreneurs in Minnesota, providing structured guidance and personalized sessions to help them navigate the challenges of business development and growth.
  • Mentor Protege Program: Connecting successful businesses with startups and struggling enterprises, fostering a supportive ecosystem where experienced professionals share invaluable skills and knowledge to promote economic sustainability.
  • Business Exit Strategy (BES) Program: Assisting small business owners, especially those from underserved communities, in navigating ownership changes. This program ensures a smooth transition and continuity of business operations.
  • Accelerator Program: A commitment to accelerating the growth of promising underserved businesses by providing intensive support, resources, and networking opportunities to help them scale effectively.
  • Capital Access Training: Empowering businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate funding opportunities, secure capital, and sustain their operations.
  • Digital Drive: Bridging the digital divide by providing laptops and essential digital resources to underserved businesses, ensuring they have the technology needed to compete in today's market.

Finding Equities for Underserved Businesses: Identifying and securing equity for sustainable business growth, helping underserved businesses access the financial resources necessary to thrive and expand.

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